New challenging language, JavaScript

17 Jan 2023

First impression

JavaScript, as a type-free language, initially felt similar to Python. I had never used JavaScript, and only knew a little bit of Typescript grammar. The rumors about JavaScript that I encountered were Javascript was made very quickly before the first release, and it was a language that needed a lot of correction. There are many disadvantages that come from the environments that require accurate information on the type in the type-free language, but it was not as uncomfortable as I thought while learning. While learning ES6 grammar, JavaScript seemed to be a language that still tries to adopt modern grammar and lambda. In particular, it was easy to use or modify objects with lambda, easy to reduce the amount of code, and if you write code well without type conflicts, you could use it without difficulty. However, as a result of examining the characteristics of only libraries and languages supported within JavaScript, library support was insufficient, and finding library templates on Google that implemented certain functions or significant data-structure is difficult compared to c++ or Python. I’ve never used JavaScript properly in practice, but JavaScript seems to be a good language to work on the web.

Practice Like Crossfit

Crossfit has WOD that needs to be done for the given exercises in time. Increasing speed and accuracy of the exercise by limiting time is difficult, but it is a way to see myself developing every day. Likewise, coding is a way to solve new problems and move on to other problems every day rather than taking it slow while looking for code on Google all day without a time limit. The time given to me at work or school is not forever, so WOD-style coding seems to be a good way to see myself growing at the speed of solving problems every day by increasing speed and accuracy.

Experience being stuck in writing code

In many situations needed to write codes in the WOD method. Competitive programming requires the ability to observe problems quickly and write codes accurately. After the competition, difficult problems took more than 5 hours to up-solve, so there was laziness that came from an unlimited time. However, as I tried to solve the problem as much as possible within the time limit, and felt pressure about time, my ability to look at the problems from various perspectives improved a lot. Most of the companies have many projects that have to be done given work for a given short period of time to speed up the company’s growth and check in advance for errors that will occur later before they start the services. Of course, code that has never been used in any services takes a lot of time to refine, but simple coding without a time limit is a coding habit that does not help!